Thursday, February 27, 2014

And Kidding Season comes to an end!!

Whew!! We did it!  And all when the weather was half way decent!!  Thank you Lord!!  We now have 5 new babies residing in my garage (my poor, but understanding, husband!!).

Elissa and Holly had their babies last week (Wednesday, February 19 and Thursday, February 20) when the weather was GREAT!!!   Temperatures were in the 50s.   I was hoping Sadie would follow suit.  Kept waiting and waiting.  Then winter decided to come back and bring back frigid temperatures.  So yesterday when the high was only 20 degrees, Sadie decided to have her babies.  Oh well, at least it was during the day when it wasn't too horribly cold like single digits.

Anyway, all the babies are in a nice heated garage under a heat lamp.  Final tally - 3 boys and 2 girls.  Names - boys are Tony, Olympus, and Brutus - girls are Sochi and Penelope.

All are doing FANTASTIC!!  The three goats had no problems with giving birth, though Elissa went into ketosis where she was producing too much milk too quickly for her body to handle.  She does this every year so I knew exactly what to do - some corn syrup mixed with molasses and a couple shots of B-complex usually do the trick.  She did worry me for a day because she didn't respond as quickly as she normally does.  In that case, prayer does WONDERS!

So now my life has become extremely busy, but I'm not complaining.  In about a month and a half, I will be making goat cheese and goat's milk yogurt - YUM!!! Life is good!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Puppy!!

I  found this "puppy scarf" at a craft show several years ago.  What is the saying . . . "a picture says a thousand words."  Well, I think this picture is telling me "take this STUPID thing off of me NOW!!"  She doesn't look like a happy camper, but I thought she looked cute.  Needless to say, the scarf didn't stay on long!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Ground Hog

Well, "Phil" saw his shadow on Sunday, which also happened to be Super Bowl Sunday!, which means that we are going to have 6 more weeks of winter.  I wonder if Phil's appearance had anything to do with the poor "appearance" of the Denver Broncos at the Super Bowl - hmmm???  There might be something there - what do you think??  Maybe Phil was really a Seahawks fan??

So, Mother Nature not wanting to make Phil look bad (and who wants to give a Ground Hog a bad reputation???) - is complying today by sending us another winter storm.  Isn't that nice of her!!  And just to make sure he doesn't doubt her, she is sending us another one this weekend!!  OK - we get the message!!  Phil was right!!  Mom Nature - enough already!!!