Friday, August 15, 2014

I love herbs!

This is a picture of my lavender garden from last year.  Wish it looked this good this year!! 
I love walking past my herb gardens and I can't help but rub my fingers on the leaves of the various herbs.  Oh they smell so lovely - basil, oregano, lemon balm and rosemary!  I miss that so much during the winter.  This year I am going to try to bring some of the plants inside and see if I can keep them going.

If I ever retire from the goat business, I would love to have an herb farm.  BUT almost everyone at the market sells herbs so I probably won't make any money at it.  Oh well, but I certainly would have fun!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

You never know what is behind the mask

The news of the death of Robin Williams has really sadden me.  Particularly if his death was suicide.  How sad!  You never know what is going on behind the mask that the public sees.  He always gave the impression that he enjoyed his life and what a funny man he was.  But, apparently, the demons he was wrestling with got too much for him and he felt that he had only one choice to deal with them.  RIP Mr. Williams, you will be missed.