Now this picture doesn't look that special - just an orange cat sitting on a box. BUT I will tell you why that cat is sitting on the box.
Two days earlier, our cat, Muff, died.
Muff and Gus (the orange cat) were best buddies. They sleep together outside on the back deck. If you saw one, you didn't see the other one far behind. We couldn't bury Muff right away because it was rainy so we put her in a box. We did finally bury her 2 days later. Our ground is so hard - mostly clay, so my husband only dug a hole deep and wide enough for just the cat and not the box.
After we got done burying Muff, I set the box down on the deck before putting away the shovel. When I came back, I found Gus sitting on the box. He won't leave that box for 2 days. We think he could smell Muff on it. Who says animals don't have feelings? We think this was his way of grieving for his friend. So, I think the picture of Gus on the box is a very sad picture.