Saturday, July 16, 2016

Butternut Squash

A baby Butternut squash!  My first!!  Did you know these make the best pumpkin pies?  Many years ago when my son was in Kindergarten, the class went on a field trip to a local pumpkin farm.  The farmer told me if I wanted to make the best pumpkin pie, do not use pumpkins, but use a butternut squash.  So I did that year and have been doing it ever since.  It is so simple.  You cook the squash like you normally do.  When it has cooled down, scoop all the insides out (minus the seeds!) and process it either in a blender or your food processor - Viola!!  And use this in place of the pumpkin puree in your recipe!  No one will know the difference.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Sprouted Onions - What to do?

I am sure you have found your onions have "sprouted."    Of course, your first thought is "oh darn" and you throw it out because the onion is now no good.  I did the same thing until now.  I was reading somewhere on the Internet that you can plant these!!!  So I figured what the heck.  Let's give this a try. 

Dig a hole deep and wide enough to fit the onion.

 Cover it with dirt so just the top of the "sprout" is showing.

Add some water and wait to see what happens.  Stay tune!!