Friday, March 28, 2014


What is it with dogs that they must roll in the nastiest, disgusting possible thing they can find and then want to come to you for "loving'??  I don't think so!!!  I have no clue what Niki (our German Shepherd/Rottweiler puppy) found yesterday but she absolutely REEKS!!  And, of course, she wants to be petted and rubs up against you.  UGH!!! She smells terrible!!

Normally she sleeps in our room.  Sorry, not tonight girl.  And guess who is getting a bath first thing this morning????  Now I know why I make a dog shampoo - LOL!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring is in the Air!!!

One more day until Spring - at least, that is what the calendar says!  Whether Mother Nature agrees or not, I guess we will have to wait and see.  BUT, I did see my daffodils starting to peak their little leafy heads up yesterday in my garden!!  I am so ready for Spring!!  As I am sure the rest of the country is.

(my flower garden from last year!)

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Winter That Will NEVER End!!!

What an interesting year 2014 has turned out to be!! A winter that refuses to give up!!  Record snowfalls and sub-zero temperatures.  Today and tomorrow the temperatures will hover between the mid 50's and low 60's - sounds great doesn't it!!!  BUT . . . Mother Nature has another card up her sleeve . . . another snowstorm is headed our way on Wednesday!!  Yes, I do love snow BUT I am getting just a tad bit tired of it by now.  It was really great in January and February but it is now March and I am ready to move on, Mother Nature!!  Someday . . . I really do hope to work in my garden!  Until then, I guess I better not put the snow shovel away!!