Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Kidding Season Starts!

Holly couldn't have picked a colder or snower (is there such a word as "snower") night than last night to have her baby??  Why do they do that??  This past weekend would have been perfect.  It wasn't too horribly cold.  NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  We have to wait to the coldest, snowest, worst night of the year to have our baby!!  Oh well, that is farming for you!!

Anyway, the good news is the baby is doing fine and it is a little girl!!  My husband named her Martha for Martha Washington since the baby goat was born on President's Day.  Martha Washington was the very First Lady of our country.  Welcome to the world, Martha!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Desperately Seeking Spring!!

Really it hasn't been that bad of a Winter - at least, compared to last year.  We have only had a few days of snow flurries which usually melt by noon.  Yes, the temperature could be a tad bit warmer but it is Winter after all!!

BUT with the shorter days of sun does take its toll.  My 60 some chickens aren't laying.  I am lucky if I can find 8 or 9 eggs.  Doesn't help when you have customers ordering two or three dozen eggs daily.  And fellow farmers are in the same situation!  How to kill an egg business in one easy step!!

And now I am playing the waiting game - when, oh when, will the baby goats be born???  AND please don't let it happen on a cold, nasty day!!  But, it usually does and, somehow, they do survive!!