Thursday, May 15, 2014


Gardens never cease to amaze me.  Just think about it for a minute . . . You plant a small seed into the soil and water it.  God sends the warm sun and sometimes the rain.  And within a week or two a little seedling appears.  Soon the seedling grows up to produce maybe a beautiful, maybe some type of vegetable or maybe some type of herb.  All from a little tiny seed - simply amazing, don't you think!

I love this time of year because I have been getting my hands dirty in my gardens - oh what fun!!  I have planted all sorts of vegetables, flowers and herbs.  And I know we are going to enjoy these through out the summer.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Update on Licensing Situation

Somehow through the Grace of God we were licensed to sell eggs in the State of Ohio.  We are still not allowed to use coolers (except for transporting the eggs to the market) BUT we must sell them out of a refrigerator once we get them to the market.  AND the refrigerator does not have to be commercial grade.  One small victory for the farmer!!  Once I get to the market, I am not allowed to physically touch the eggs (whatever!!).

At Findlay Market, they have electric outlets for the farmers to use.  At Hyde Park, this will be interesting as they do not want you to use generators.  But the coffee guy uses a generator (and the same generator as the one I have).  So I might have open Pandora's box on this one.

Why isn't life easy???