Monday, April 27, 2015

Working in My Garden

Yesterday was so beautiful, so I spent the majority of the day working in my gardens.  Oh, how I love working my gardens.  My lettuce that I planted several weeks ago is coming up nicely and I see lots of fresh salads in my future! 

My asparagus is just starting to come up.  If you have never had fresh asparagus right from the garden, you are missing a special treat!!
Our very first asparagus of the year!!  We love asparagus so much that we decided to dedicated this one garden to be all asparagus and I ordered more asparagus roots! 

My green beans are just being to sprout.   I didn't plant a lot this year.  Waiting on my husband to build me two more raised beds for that. 

Despite the terribly cold winter, all my berry bushes survived!!   Unfortunately, it looks like I lost my two peach trees and several of my lavender plants.  Oh well.  But, I did order some apple trees and those are looking good.

I hope you were able to get out enjoy the beautiful weather, also

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

FINALLY, Spring!!!!

Thought it would NEVER come, but it always does . . . Spring is FINALLY here.  Whew!!

After a miserable winter and a very, very rough kidding season, I am so ready for Spring. 

We did have 3 goats that gave us 3 healthy baby goats.  BUT, I had one goat drown in the water trough.  This will always be a mystery to us.  The trough is only 24 inches deep and we found her sitting in the trough.  All she had to do was stand up!  I have NO clue how or why or what happened.  We think she might have gone into labor.  And then, the next day, another goat gave birth to 3 stillborn babies - double whammy!  That is when you want to throw in the towel and say "I QUIT!!!"  But, you don't.  You embrace the ones that you still have and you look forward to next year.

Besides, Spring is here and the birds are singing!!