Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Somedays you should just stay in bed . . .

Yesterday was one of those days . . . we all have had them.  Where everything and I mean EVERYTHING seems to go wrong or work against us!

I lost one of the baby chicks.  I am pretty much responsible for that one!  I decided to move the two newer baby chicks in with the "older" baby chicks. BIG MISTAKE!!  The "older" baby chicks were NOT thrilled with the "new" visitors and began to attack the little ones.  I thought maybe if I turned off all the lights that would make it better (chickens can't see very well in the dark).  It did for awhile until I turned the lights on again and the attacking began again.  It seemed to slow down.  So I left them alone (mistake #2).  Somehow the two baby chicks got out.  Baby #16 met one of our Shih Tzus who thought it was a delightful "squeek" toy.  Hmmm - that's funny - after one bite, it doesn't squeek anymore!  So baby #15 got moved back to the little box.  Live and learn - a hard lesson!

Meanwhile back at the chicken pen . . . we had another visitor . . . we are guessing Mr/Ms Fox was back for chicken dinner.  We heard the noise - chickens have a tendency to get quite upset when Mr/Ms Fox makes an appearance.  By the time we got there, there was only a massive pile of feathers scattered throughout the pen and all the chickens very upset.  It had to be a fox because there was no body - raccoons and possum usually leave a body (and it ain't pretty!).

Since it was a nice evening and I was pretty upset by the day's occurences, I thought it would be great day for a bike ride.  BUT I noticed both of the tires on my bike where slightly flat.  Thankfully,we have one of those portable air compressors that plug into the cigarette lighter in your car.  GREAT!!  Everything was going good until I tried taking the stupid end off of my stem of my bike tire.  It won't come off.  It just won't budge.  So I got one of my husband's wretch and tried twisting it off.  Well . . . it sort of came off but it broke the stem off of my tire!  NOW it is REALLY flat!!  So much for the bike ride (with the way my luck is going, I would have probably fallen anyway!!)

So I thought I better call it a day!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Did I FINALLY find the answer???

How many years I have spent planting garden after garden only to have them be eaten by deers.  Oh, so many times I have look with disappointment at the the bare stems that used to be bean plants or the tomato plants that yesterday were loaded with beautiful tomatoes and today there are none. 

And the hours I spent on the internet researching how to keep deers out of your garden . . . trying ever solution that I found with minimal success - hanging soap bars (which they ate, too!! - YUCK!!), buying chemical smelly stuff, and even human urine.  None that worked on a long term basis.  So discouraging.

BUT then I got an idea . . . if they don't like strong odors . . . why not plant mint around my gardens.  My husband said it won't work - they would eat the mint like they do everything else.  So late last Fall, I rooted a bunch of my mint cuttings and transplanted them around my gardens.

And the mint grew and grew and grew (oops - that's the only problem with mint - it does spread).  BUT, it worked!!  OMG . . . it worked!!  It actually worked!!  The Angels are singing!!  We saw two deers in our yard a couple of weeks ago.  They walked right past our gardens - didn't even stop.  Not one leaf of our lettuce or beans have been touched - all my tomatoes are still intact!!  Did I finally solve the problem of keeping the deers out of my garden?  So far, so good!!!  Now if I can figure what to do with the insects!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Why is it that once the 4th of July is over, that the summer just flies by?  But, when you look at the calendar, summer is really just a couple of weeks old!  Maybe it is because all the retailers start putting their "summer" items on sale or clearance and you start to see "Back to School" items appearing on the shelves.

I was in Walmart last week and they ALREADY had their school supplies out and it was the last week in June!  Isn't that kind of early to be buying school supplies??  Of course, I have been out of "buying school supplies" business for about 3 years now, so what do I know!

Anyway, I plan to enjoy what's left of my summer!  I hope you do too!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Today I miss my Mom

Tomorrow I turn 61.  No, I am not going through some mid life crisis.  61 is a good age.  I certainly don't act my age!!  But, today I miss my Mom.  She has been gone for 26 years and I still miss her terribly.  As my birthday approaches (and I am sure we all do this) - we remember birthdays of the past and how our Moms made them special.  My Mom would always get me a doll cake - you have probably seen the Barbie doll cakes they have in Krogers - these cakes were never that elaborate, but I was always so thrilled to get one.  My husband surprised me with a Barbie doll cake a couple of years ago - God Bless him!!  Made my day!!

But today I miss my Mom and wish she could be here to help me celebrate my 61st birthday.  I think she would be pleased how my life turned out.  You taught me well, Mom!  Job well done!