Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Goat's Milk Yogurt!

I went grocery shopping this morning.  OK, that's not that big of a deal.  BUT, guess what I found at our new Kroger's???  Hmmm???  Goat's Milk Yogurt!!  I was so thrilled!!

Finally, goat products are making it into the grocery stores!!  Of course, the store was only carrying one flavor and one brand - but its a start.  It was rather expensive - $2.49 for just one little cup.  So I decided to splurge and give it a try since I make goat's milk yogurt myself.

Well . . . let's just say . . . how can I put this politely . . . sigh . . . it was NASTY!!  Nothing like the yogurt I make.  Oh well.  It is a start for the goat milk products.  They did have "sheep milk yogurt" and had several flavors of that.  Might try that just for the heck of it.

One More Time!

I am going to try this one more time - buying baby chicks.  The last time I bought 30 baby chicks - 20 of them ended up as fox food.  I was NOT happy about that!!  I am hoping that when this next batch of  baby chicks are big enough to move to the "big" pen, that all "good" foxes will be hibernating for the winter and not out looking for a free chicken dinner!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

And here comes Summer

What is the date?  August 20 and we are finally getting Summer weather?? I don't think I like the weatherman anymore! He is predicting temperatures in the high 80's and low 90's for the rest of the week - bah humbug!!  I was so enjoying this early Fall weather - nice, warm breezy days, cool nights ( perfect sleeping weather) - no humidity!  But, its baaaack!  Sigh.

So what do you do???
You find a nice, cool shaded spot on my back deck and take an afternoon nap!!  She does look comfortable, doesn't she!  I would join her but I don't think the table is big enough for both us.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Cranky Goats!

Boy, have the girls (goats) have been cranky lately - butting heads and pushing everyone around.  If I didn't know better, I would think they are all in heat - which they probably are!!  My breeding schedule got all screwed up last year with them getting bred in August and this cool weather is just "perfect" for breeding.  Oh sigh, that might mean December babies again.

Rainy, Gray Day in Ohio

So what do you on a rainy, gray day in Ohio?  You find the most decorative piece of furniture that is located in front of a window and you take a nap (even though you KNOW you are not allowed to be on the furniture!!).  BUT, you figure no one is going to catch  you, right?  Besides, you are only taking a nap and that is pretty harmless!  Gus, good thing "Dad" isn't home to see this!!