Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Wish List For 2015

It is that time again where everyone makes their New Year's Resolutions.  Well, last year I decided I wasn't going to do that anymore because no one ever keeps them - so why bother.  Instead, each year I am going to have what I wish for in the coming new year. 

My 2015 Wish List:

1,  I wish that my son returns safely from his deployment in Navy and comes back home to civilian life.

2.  I wish my husband's and my health continues to be good.

3.  I wish my farmer's markets continue to be as successful and fun as they were last year.

4.  I wish that my goats and chickens keep producing and that the foxes and hawks leave my chickens alone - thank you very much!!!

5.  I wish my gardens will grow wonderful vegetables and fruits for us to eat and for me to can.

6.  I wish that our country would start acting like a country again.  I have no idea why this racial issue has surfaced again.  I thought we were over that back in the 60's.

7.  I know better than to wish for world peace - we seem to be moving farther and farther away from that.  So I will wish for wise leaders who are willing to work together or, at the very least, toward some sort of compromise.

8.  And, lastly, I wish and hope that God continues to work in my life leading me in the direction that He wants me to go and that I listen to His voice.

And I wish you all a very Happy, Prosperous and Safe 2015!!

Monday, December 29, 2014


What is the saying . . . as you get older, the years go by faster.  It certainly seems that way.  Can't believe that 2015 is only days away and I just got used to writing 2014!!  Where did the time go - I must have been having a good time because it went by way too fast!!

I would have to say the best moments of the year were when this young man was able to come home.  Being a military family, you cherish those moments together because they are few and far between.  Fortunately, he was able to come home several times this year.  Hellos are the BEST and goodbyes are still hard (even after 3 years you would think I would get used to this, but you don't).

It was a year of babies - animal babies that is!  The goats gave us 5 baby goats.

And much to my surprise, the chickens hatched out 27 baby chicks . . .

The interesting thing about this is that in June, we had several predator attacks in which I lost 10 laying chickens.  And God provided me with 27 replacements - most of them were hens!!  How amazing is that!!

The year saw me at two markets - Hyde Park and Findlay Market.  Findlay Market started out really slow but turned out to be a great market!  And I have been at Hyde Park now for 9 years - has it really been THAT long!!

It was a year of snow and more snow and more snow.  The winter that seemed like it would never end!  Plus temps that hit negative numbers for several days in a row.

Fortunately, my goats waited to have their babies the one week when it was warm!!
It was a year when friends came to my rescue.  Two friends gave me several laying chickens in exchange for soap.  This happened at a time when I needed eggs to meet the demand from customers.  Who says God doesn't provide!!
As with all years, there were some goodbyes.  This year I lost my Fluff, my lovely white, fluffy cat.
Fluff loved to hunt and would often bring me back "gifts" from her latest hunting expeditions!  Unfortunately, we have coyotes who roam the woods behind our house.  You don't hear them often but every once in a while they are there.  One night in early November, my husband heard them and Fluff never came back.  I am so hoping that someone found a pretty white kitty and took her home.  But deep in my heart, I know what happened.  Dear Fluff, I miss you terribly.  RIP little one.
We also lost Elissa, our best milker
Elissa's death will always be a mystery to me.  Usually you have a pretty good idea when you are going to lose a goat. Never saw this one coming. Thank you, Elissa, for all the great milk you provided!!  You will be missed.
I had to reluctantly find a new home for Niki, our Rottweiler German Shepherd.

After she completely shredded an antique sofa of my husband's, I couldn't defend her.  We found a nice couple who lived on an 88 acre farm in Indiana with 2 other big dogs to adopt Niki.  Last we heard, she was doing great. 

Just when I thought we would always be a 2 dog family, much to my surprise . . .

This little girl, a solid black german shepherd, will be joining our family in February 2015.  I have named her Lacey. 

All in all, I would have to say 2014 was a pretty great year.  The Good Lord looked after us and provided us with food, shelter and good health.  He kept us safe and watched over us.  I am so thankful for the family He has given me, the customers that continue to buy my products, and for my goats and chickens who continue to produce for me.  May God watch over you and bless you and your family in 2015!!


Monday, December 15, 2014

Now my house is quiet again . . .

Today my house is quiet and life returns to the "normal" I have become used to - not exactly the life that I would have chosen.  My son returned to the Navy yesterday morning.  You would think after 3 years I would get use to this but you never do.  Each goodbye is hard and each hello is WONDERFUL!!

Please do not get me wrong.  I am so very proud of my son and how he has grown in the Navy.  This was the best choice for him!  And that is what is important!  He did what was right for him!  But Mothers will always be Mothers and want to keep their "babies" close no matter what their age. 

I know God will look after him.  He told me He would and I believe Him.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Ornaments

Last night we put up our Christmas tree.  Trust me - I am not the best tree decorator around.  I just don't have the "talent" to make an "elegant" looking tree.   But somehow "Santa" doesn't seem to mind because he always leaves presents under the tree.

I really do enjoy decorating the tree.  Opening up the box of ornaments is like opening up an old photo album - so many good memories are stored in this box.  Many of the ornaments were bought on various vacation trips.  And there are some really "special" ornaments that my Mom gave to me.  Those I really cherish.  There are several handmade ornaments from my sister or close friends.  Don't you just love when people take the time to make you something - really shows they care - at least, I think so!  And the really special ones are the ones that my husband buys for me every year. 

So I hope when you put up your tree, you too will have warm memories.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Wishing for warm summer days . . .

Being at a farmer's market on a bitterly, cold rainy Ohio morning . . . well, it ain't fun!!  Standing there I fondly remembered those warm August days - why did I complain???  This morning I couldn't feel my toes - LOL!  Of course, wearing a pair of sneakers was probably not the wisest choice I made - but Thank God for hand warmers!!!

The customers were few - those brave souls that did show up briskly walked to the main market house (very smart!!!).  I eventually gave in to my freezing toes and called it quits for the day after 3 hours standing in the cold.  One can be "dedicated" for only so long!

So here I sit at my computer with a space heater warming up my poor frozen tootsies!!  Wishing you all warm thoughts!