Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Early Preview of Winter

Winter has arrived and it isn't even officially Winter yet!!  And I have some very unhappy goats.  Trust me, I am not too thrilled about this either!! 

Yep, it is frozen water bucket time again, too.  Fortunately, we did have a few water bucket heaters to keep a couple of the buckets thawed out, but not all of them. 

And with the temperatures in the low teens, the chickens had to stay cooped up in their houses.  It is just too cold to let them out.  Needless to say, they aren't too thrilled with this early preview of Winter. 

And our poor shih tzus . . . had to endure wearing the dreaded sweaters PLUS I bought them boots!
Choo is definitely not happy with her winter attire!  But, when she is outside in 5 inches of snow, it doesn't seem to bother her now that she has the boots.

So for the next several months, we shall endure whether we like it or not!  Thank God for hot chocolate!!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Life out in the Country

Normally I love living out in the country.  You couldn't pay me enough money to move back in the city!  I love sitting on my back deck and listening to the birds sing.  And ever once in a while, I will see a deer in my back yard which is so cool (except when they are raiding my gardens!!).

But, last week country living lost some of its appeal.  I lost my favorite cat, Fluff.  Fluff loved to hunt and she would often bring me "presents" from her hunt (oh yeah!) - dead chipmunks, sparrows, field mice, etc.  I think I was supposed to be honored by this.  Well, last week she didn't come home.  And my husband heard coyotes on the hill behind us.  I am so hoping they didn't get her.  I am so hoping and praying that someone found a cute little kitty, took her home with them and that Fluff is OK.   I still look out the back door every so often hoping to see her on the back deck, though in my heart I know she is gone.  RIP my dear Fluff, I miss you so much.