Monday, August 3, 2015

What a strange year this has been

I don't think I have ever remember a year quite like this year, at least, one so eventful.  Goats drowning in water troughs followed by another goat delivering 3 stillborn babies, a month of "monsoons" in July, followed by an air conditioner and the power steering in my truck both dying at the same time, a recent storm damaging our house . . .

and on and on and on.  Plus the emotions of an only child being deployed on the other side of the world.

BUT, somehow God gets you through this, don't know how HE does it but He does.  Yes, the rains pretty much wiped out my gardens, but I have a lot of friends at the farmer's markets that keep me supplied in wonderful vegetables from their gardens.  As for the goat I lost this winter . . . well, a customer who bought one of my dairy baby goats about a year ago, brought her back because she has decided not to raise goats anymore.  Noelle (the goat) will make up for the one I lost. 

As for the damage to the house, it could have been a lot worse!!  BUT, we didn't lose power and the damage is very minimal.  The carpenter we thought we had hired bailed on us.  So we are going to do it ourselves. 

Amazingly, for some reason, my products are in high demand!!  New opportunites have opened up.  You can't convince me that God didn't have a hand in this.

AND, my son has decided not to re-enlist and will be coming home this year!!  Needless to say, I am a VERY excited Navy Mom. 

It is going to be interesting to see how the rest of the year plays out.  Stay tuned!

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